OvoNonOvo Yolk substitute

Luca Montersino


codice: 445

It replaces egg yolks in sweet and savory preparations. It is used for vegans, intolerances to egg proteins, and as a protein reinforcement in egg-based preparations, making the whipping much more stable.
It is a plant-based product, without ingredients of animal origin or synthetic products, and is composed of vegetable protein and potato starch and has a very high capacity to bind carbohydrates and fats, and effectively replaces egg yolks in all sweet and savory culinary preparations.

Weight: 12 gr


67% potato protein, potato starch, pea protein, acidity regulator (potassium carbonates), thickener (xanthan gum), emulsifier (sunflower lecithin), dye (beta-carotene). It does not contain preservatives or flavoring.


Average nutritional value per 100 g
Energy 1425 kJ /347 kcal
Fat 0.6 g - of which saturated fatty acids 0 g
Carbohydrate 22 g - of which Sugars 1 g
Protein 69 g - Sodium 0.07 g

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